sekai de ichiban ohime-sama.exe

hello, im beta and this is my little corner of the internet. i go by she/they and im just a silly little teen trying to express myself in the way i know how (which is coding an entire website, apparently)

i started learning to code back in 2020-ish? although i really only started making full proper websites in 2022! if you want to start making websites, definitely check out my resource page!

Web Clap by FC2

welcome to the site v3 (yes... again) i love my old layout but honestly it wasn't very responsive LOL so we are back with a better one! it should work on almost all screens and sizes! anyways, enjoy your time :3 (i still dont have a button. just use my old one and link it here if you want)
What Ace Attorney Character Are You?
What Ace Attorney Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime

I am nerdier than 36% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and talk on the nerd forum!

hello :3
i am:
alien, aromantic, artsy, asexual, creative, creature, etc., FAAB, fangirl, genderqueer, LGBTQIA, nerd, obsessed, queer, woman-loving
Who are you?

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